In neuroimaging the typical analysis approach is a “mass univariate”, where a univariate model is independently fit to each voxel (volume element) in parallel. This approach can be applied to a large range of datasets including: functional MRI, anatomical MRI (with Voxel-Based Morphometry), PET, EEG and MEG data.
The three major software analysis package for neuroimaging: SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) and FSL (FMRIB Software Library) and AFNI (AFNI) provide implementations of mass univariate analyses. While there are many commonalities across software packages, there are also software-specific outputs that can be of interest for the end-user.
This document describes the encoding of results of a mass univariate neuroimaging analysis using the NIDM data model ([[!KEATORNI13]]). The goal of this specification is to provide a unified representation of neuroimaging results across analysis software. When a piece of information is only available in a specific software, software-specific extensions are provided.
NIDM-Results is a NIDM compliant structured representation of the results of a massively univariate neuroimaging study.
NIDM-Results specification formally describes the encoding of the massively univariate neuroimaging results into a NIDM representation. Extensions are provided to describe software-specific objects for SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) and FSL (FMRIB Software Library) analysis software.
Section 2 provides an overview of NIDM-Results, distinguishing a core set of types and relations, commonly found in provenance, from extended structures catering for more specific uses. It also introduces a modular organization of the data model in components.
Section 3 illustrates how NIDM-Results can be used to express the results of a neuroimaging study in SPM and FSL.
Section 4 provides the definitions (and examples) of NIDM-Results concepts, structured according to three components.
The key word "OPTIONAL" in this document is to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
Examples throughout this document use the PROV-N Provenance Notation, specified in a separate document [[prov-n]].
The following namespaces prefixes are used throughout this document.
prefix | namespace IRI | definition |
nidm | | The NIDM namespace |
prov | | The PROV namespace [[prov-dm]] |
xsd | | XML Schema Namespace [[XMLSCHEMA11-2]] |
(others) | (various) | All other namespace prefixes are used in examples only. In particular, IRIs starting with "" represent some application-dependent IRI [[RFC3987]] |
This section introduces neuroimaging results concepts with informal explanations and illustrative examples (e.g. see SPM results). NIDM-Results distinguishes software-agnostic structures, forming the essence of the results, from software-specific structures catering for more specific uses of results by different analysis software. Core and extended structures are respectively presented in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2.
NIDM-Results is concerned with the modelling of model fitting and inference in the context of massively univariate analyses. A typical example is the analysis of functional MRI data but studies involving other modalities (such as PET) and sequences (e.g. anatomical MRI through VBM) can also be modelled. The domain covered by NIDM-Results data model is represented in .
The concepts found in the core of NIDM-Results are introduced in the rest of this section.
PROV relations used in NIDM-Results are summarized in Table 2.
NIDM-Results Concepts | Types or Relation (PROV concepts) | Name | Overview |
Generation | PROV Relations |
WasGeneratedBy | PROV-DM wasGeneratedBy |
Usage | Used | PROV-DM used | |
Derivation | WasDerivedFrom | PROV-DM wasDerivedFrom |
NIDM-Results Concept | PROV type | Identifier |
nlx:'SPM' | prov:'Agent' | nlx:nif-0000-00343 |
nlx:'FSL' | nlx:birnlex_2067 | |
nidm:'NIDM-Results' | prov:'Entity' | nidm:NIDM_0000027 |
nidm:'Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000052 | |
nidm:'Coordinate Space' | nidm:NIDM_0000016 |
nlx:'SPM' is a prov:'Agent'.
nlx:'FSL' is a prov:'Agent'.
nidm:'Map' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Binary Map', nidm:'Cluster Labels Map', nidm:'Contrast Explained Mean Square Map', nidm:'Contrast Map', nidm:'Contrast Standard Error Map', nidm:'Contrast Variance Map', nidm:'Excursion Set Map', nidm:'Grand Mean Map', nidm:'Parameter Estimate Map', nidm:'Resels Per Voxel Map', nidm:'Residual Mean Squares Map', nidm:'Statistic Map'.
nidm:'Map Header' is a prov:'Entity'.
nidm:'Coordinate Space' is a prov:'Entity'.
@prefix nidm_CoordinateSpace: <> . @prefix nidm_voxelToWorldMapping: <> . @prefix nidm_voxelUnits: <> . @prefix nidm_voxelSize: <> . @prefix nidm_inWorldCoordinateSystem: <> . @prefix nidm_MNICoordinateSystem: <> . @prefix nidm_numberOfDimensions: <> . @prefix nidm_dimensionsInVoxels: <> . niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 a prov:Entity , nidm_CoordinateSpace: ; rdfs:label "Coordinate space 1" ; nidm_voxelToWorldMapping: "[[-3, 0, 0, 78],[0, 3, 0, -112],[0, 0, 3, -50],[0, 0, 0, 1]]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_voxelUnits: "[ \"mm\", \"mm\", \"mm\" ]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_voxelSize: "[ 3, 3, 3 ]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inWorldCoordinateSystem: nidm_MNICoordinateSystem: ; nidm_numberOfDimensions: "3"^^xsd:int ; nidm_dimensionsInVoxels: "[ 53, 63, 46 ]"^^xsd:string .
nidm:'World Coordinate System' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Standardized Coordinate System', nidm:'Subject Coordinate System'.
nidm:'Standardized Coordinate System' is a nidm:'World Coordinate System' and has the following children: nidm:'Custom Coordinate System', nidm:'MNI Coordinate System', nidm:'Talairach Coordinate System'.
nidm:'Custom Coordinate System' is a nidm:'Standardized Coordinate System'.
nidm:'MNI Coordinate System' is a nidm:'Standardized Coordinate System'.
nidm:'Talairach Coordinate System' is a nidm:'Standardized Coordinate System'.
nidm:'Subject Coordinate System' is a nidm:'World Coordinate System'.
NIDM-Results Concept | PROV type | Identifier |
nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation' | prov:'Activity' | nidm:NIDM_0000056 |
nidm:'Data Scaling' | prov:'Entity' | nidm:NIDM_0000018 |
nidm:'Design Matrix' | nidm:NIDM_0000019 | |
nidm:'Error Model' | nidm:NIDM_0000023 | |
nidm:'Grand Mean Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000033 | |
nidm:'Mask Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000054 | |
nidm:'Parameter Estimate Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000061 | |
nidm:'Resels Per Voxel Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000144 | |
nidm:'Residual Mean Squares Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000066 |
nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation' is a prov:'Activity' that uses nidm:'Data Scaling', nidm:'Design Matrix', nidm:'Error Model', nidm:'Mask Map' entities. This activity generates nidm:'Grand Mean Map', nidm:'Mask Map', nidm:'Parameter Estimate Map', nidm:'Resels Per Voxel Map', nidm:'Residual Mean Squares Map' entities.
@prefix nidm_ModelParametersEstimation: <> . @prefix nidm_withEstimationMethod: <> . @prefix obo_ordinaryleastsquaresestimation: <> . niiri:model_pe_id prov:used niiri:error_model_id ; a prov:Activity , nidm_ModelParametersEstimation: ; rdfs:label "Model parameters estimation" ; nidm_withEstimationMethod: obo_ordinaryleastsquaresestimation: ; # obo:'ordinary least squares estimation' prov:used niiri:design_matrix_id ; prov:used niiri:data_id ; prov:used niiri:error_model_id ; prov:wasAssociatedWith niiri:software_id .
nidm:'Data Scaling' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_DataScaling: <> . @prefix nidm_grandMeanScaling: <> . @prefix nidm_targetIntensity: <> . niiri:data_id a prov:Entity , nidm_DataScaling: , prov:Collection ; rdfs:label "Data" ; nidm_grandMeanScaling: "true"^^xsd:boolean ; nidm_targetIntensity: "100"^^xsd:float .
nidm:'Design Matrix' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Contrast Estimation', nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_DesignMatrix: <> . niiri:design_matrix_id a prov:Entity , nidm_DesignMatrix: ; rdfs:label "Design Matrix" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/DesignMatrix.csv"^^xsd:anyURI ; dct:format "text/csv"^^xsd:string ; nfo:fileName "DesignMatrix.csv"^^xsd:string ; dc:description niiri:design_matrix_png_id .
nidm:'Convolution Basis Set' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Custom Basis Set', nidm:'Finite Impulse Response Basis Set', nidm:'Fourier Basis Set', nidm:'Gamma Basis Set', nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function Derivative', nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function', nidm:'Linear Spline Basis Set', nidm:'Sine Basis Set'.
nidm:'Finite Impulse Response Basis Set' is a nidm:'Convolution Basis Set'.
nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function Derivative' is a nidm:'Convolution Basis Set'.
nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function' is a nidm:'Convolution Basis Set' and has the following children: nidm:'Gamma Difference HRF', nidm:'Gamma HRF', nidm:'Gaussian HRF'.
nidm:'Gamma Difference HRF' is a nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function'.
nidm:'Gaussian HRF' is a nidm:'Hemodynamic Response Function'.
nidm:'Linear Spline Basis Set' is a nidm:'Convolution Basis Set'.
nidm:'Drift Model' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: fsl:'Gaussian Running Line Drift Model', spm:'DCT Drift Model'.
@prefix fsl_GaussianRunningLineDriftModel: <> . @prefix fsl_driftCutoffPeriod: <> . niiri:drift_model_id a prov:Entity , fsl_GaussianRunningLineDriftModel: ; rdfs:label "FSL's Gaussian Running Line Drift Model" ; fsl_driftCutoffPeriod: "2"^^xsd:float .
@prefix spm_DCTDriftModel: <> . @prefix spm_SPMsDriftCutoffPeriod: <> . niiri:drift_model_id a prov:Entity , spm_DCTDriftModel: ; rdfs:label "SPM's DCT Drift Model" ; spm_SPMsDriftCutoffPeriod: "128"^^xsd:float .
fsl:'Gaussian Running Line Drift Model' is a nidm:'Drift Model'.
nidm:'fMRI Design Type' is a prov:'Entity'.
nidm:'Error Model' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ErrorModel: <> . @prefix nidm_hasErrorDistribution: <> . @prefix nidm_GaussianDistribution: <> . @prefix nidm_errorVarianceHomogeneous: <> . @prefix nidm_varianceMapWiseDependence: <> . @prefix nidm_IndependentParameter: <> . @prefix nidm_hasErrorDependence: <> . @prefix nidm_IndependentError: <> . @prefix nidm_dependenceMapWiseDependence: <> . niiri:error_model_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ErrorModel: ; nidm_hasErrorDistribution: nidm_GaussianDistribution: ; nidm_errorVarianceHomogeneous: "true"^^xsd:boolean ; nidm_varianceMapWiseDependence: nidm_IndependentParameter: ; nidm_hasErrorDependence: nidm_IndependentError: ; nidm_dependenceMapWiseDependence: nidm_IndependentParameter: .
nidm:'Error Distribution' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Binomial Distribution', nidm:'Gaussian Distribution', nidm:'Non Parametric Distribution', nidm:'Non Parametric Symmetric Distribution', nidm:'Poisson Distribution'.
nidm:'Binomial Distribution' is a nidm:'Error Distribution'.
nidm:'Gaussian Distribution' is a nidm:'Error Distribution'.
nidm:'Non Parametric Distribution' is a nidm:'Error Distribution'.
nidm:'Non Parametric Symmetric Distribution' is a nidm:'Error Distribution'.
nidm:'Error Parameter Map-Wise Dependence' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Constant Parameter', nidm:'Independent Parameter', nidm:'Regularized Parameter'.
nidm:'Constant Parameter' is a nidm:'Error Parameter Map-Wise Dependence'.
nidm:'Independent Parameter' is a nidm:'Error Parameter Map-Wise Dependence'.
nidm:'Regularized Parameter' is a nidm:'Error Parameter Map-Wise Dependence'.
nidm:'Grand Mean Map' is a nidm:'Map' generated by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_GrandMeanMap: <> . @prefix nidm_maskedMedian: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:grand_mean_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_GrandMeanMap: ; rdfs:label "Grand Mean Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/GrandMean.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "GrandMean.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_maskedMedian: "115"^^xsd:float ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:model_pe_id .
nidm:'Mask Map' is a nidm:'Binary Map' used by nidm:'Contrast Estimation', nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation' and generated by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'. It has the following child: nidm:'Search Space Mask Map'.
@prefix nidm_MaskMap: <> . @prefix nidm_isUserDefined: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:model_pe_id prov:used niiri:mask_id_2 . niiri:mask_id_2 a prov:Entity , nidm_MaskMap: ; rdfs:label "Mask" ; nidm_isUserDefined: "false"^^xsd:boolean ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/Mask.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "Mask.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string .
nidm:'Parameter Estimate Map' is a nidm:'Map' used by nidm:'Contrast Estimation' and generated by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ParameterEstimateMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:beta_map_id_1 a prov:Entity , nidm_ParameterEstimateMap: ; rdfs:label "Beta Map 1" ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:model_pe_id .
nidm:'Resels Per Voxel Map' is a nidm:'Map' used by nidm:'Inference' and generated by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ReselsPerVoxelMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:resels_per_voxel_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ReselsPerVoxelMap: ; rdfs:label "Resels per Voxel Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/ReselsPerVoxel.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "ReselsPerVoxel.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:model_pe_id.
nidm:'Residual Mean Squares Map' is a nidm:'Map' used by nidm:'Contrast Estimation' and generated by nidm:'Model Parameters Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ResidualMeanSquaresMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:residual_mean_squares_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ResidualMeanSquaresMap: ; rdfs:label "Residual Mean Squares Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/ResidualMeanSquares.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "ResidualMeanSquares.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:model_pe_id .
NIDM-Results Concept | PROV type | Identifier |
nidm:'Contrast Estimation' | prov:'Activity' | nidm:NIDM_0000001 |
obo:'contrast weight matrix' | prov:'Entity' | obo:STATO_0000323 |
nidm:'Contrast Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000002 | |
nidm:'Contrast Standard Error Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000013 | |
nidm:'Contrast Explained Mean Square Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000163 | |
nidm:'Statistic Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000076 |
nidm:'Contrast Estimation' is a prov:'Activity' that uses nidm:'Design Matrix', nidm:'Mask Map', nidm:'Parameter Estimate Map', nidm:'Residual Mean Squares Map', obo:'contrast weight matrix' entities. This activity generates nidm:'Contrast Explained Mean Square Map', nidm:'Contrast Map', nidm:'Contrast Standard Error Map', nidm:'Statistic Map' entities.
@prefix nidm_ContrastEstimation: <> . niiri:contrast_estimation_id a prov:Activity , nidm_ContrastEstimation: ; rdfs:label "Contrast estimation" ; prov:used niiri:mask_id_2 , niiri:residual_mean_squares_map_id , niiri:design_matrix_id , niiri:contrast_id, niiri:beta_map_id_1 ; prov:wasAssociatedWith niiri:software_id .
obo:'contrast weight matrix' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Contrast Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_statisticType: <> . @prefix nidm_contrastName: <> . @prefix obo_contrastweightmatrix: <> . @prefix obo_tstatistic: <> . niiri:contrast_id a prov:Entity , obo_contrastweightmatrix: ; rdfs:label "Contrast: Listening > Rest" ; prov:value "[ 1, 0, 0 ]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_statisticType: obo_tstatistic: ; # obo:'t-statistic' nidm_contrastName: "listening > rest"^^xsd:string .
nidm:'Contrast Map' is a nidm:'Map' used by nidm:'Inference' and generated by nidm:'Contrast Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ContrastMap: <> . @prefix nidm_contrastName: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:contrast_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ContrastMap: ; rdfs:label "Contrast Map: listening > rest" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/Contrast.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nfo:fileName "Contrast.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; nidm_contrastName: "listening > rest"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:contrast_estimation_id .
nidm:'Contrast Standard Error Map' is a nidm:'Map' generated by nidm:'Contrast Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_ContrastStandardErrorMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:contrast_standard_error_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ContrastStandardErrorMap: ; rdfs:label "Contrast Standard Error Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/ContrastStandardError.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "ContrastStandardError.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:contrast_estimation_id .
nidm:'Contrast Explained Mean Square Map' is a nidm:'Map' generated by nidm:'Contrast Estimation'.
nidm:'Statistic Map' is a nidm:'Map' used by nidm:'Inference' and generated by nidm:'Contrast Estimation'.
@prefix nidm_StatisticMap: <> . @prefix nidm_statisticType: <> . @prefix nidm_contrastName: <> . @prefix nidm_effectDegreesOfFreedom: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . @prefix nidm_errorDegreesOfFreedom: <> . @prefix obo_tstatistic: <> . niiri:statistic_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_StatisticMap: ; rdfs:label "Statistic Map: listening > rest" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/TStatistic.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nidm_statisticType: obo_tstatistic: ; # obo:'t-statistic' nfo:fileName "TStatistic.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_contrastName: "listening > rest"^^xsd:string ; nidm_effectDegreesOfFreedom: "1"^^xsd:float ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:contrast_estimation_id; nidm_errorDegreesOfFreedom: "72.9999999990787"^^xsd:float .
NIDM-Results Concept | PROV type | Identifier |
nidm:'Inference' | prov:'Activity' | nidm:NIDM_0000049 |
nidm:'Cluster Definition Criteria' | prov:'Entity' | nidm:NIDM_0000007 |
nidm:'Cluster Labels Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000008 | |
nidm:'Coordinate' | nidm:NIDM_0000015 | |
nidm:'Display Mask Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000020 | |
nidm:'Excursion Set Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000025 | |
nidm:'Extent Threshold' | nidm:NIDM_0000026 | |
nidm:'Height Threshold' | nidm:NIDM_0000034 | |
nidm:'Peak' | nidm:NIDM_0000062 | |
nidm:'Peak Definition Criteria' | nidm:NIDM_0000063 | |
nidm:'Search Space Mask Map' | nidm:NIDM_0000068 | |
nidm:'Significant Cluster' | nidm:NIDM_0000070 |
nidm:'Inference' is a prov:'Activity' that uses nidm:'Cluster Definition Criteria', nidm:'Contrast Map', nidm:'Display Mask Map', nidm:'Peak Definition Criteria', nidm:'Resels Per Voxel Map', nidm:'Statistic Map' entities and has the following children: nidm:'Conjunction Inference', spm:'Partial Conjunction Inference'.
@prefix nidm_Inference: <> . @prefix nidm_hasAlternativeHypothesis: <> . @prefix nidm_OneTailedTest: <> . niiri:inference_id a prov:Activity , nidm_Inference: ; rdfs:label "Inference" ; nidm_hasAlternativeHypothesis: nidm_OneTailedTest: ; prov:used niiri:statistic_map_id, niiri:height_threshold_id, niiri:extent_threshold_id, niiri:peak_definition_criteria_id, niiri:cluster_definition_criteria_id, niiri:mask_id ; prov:wasAssociatedWith niiri:software_id .
nidm:'One Tailed Test' is a prov:'Entity'.
nidm:'Two Tailed Test' is a prov:'Entity'.
nidm:'Cluster Definition Criteria' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Inference'.
@prefix nidm_ClusterDefinitionCriteria: <> . @prefix nidm_hasConnectivityCriterion: <> . @prefix nidm_voxel18connected: <> . niiri:cluster_definition_criteria_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ClusterDefinitionCriteria: ; rdfs:label "Cluster Connectivity Criterion: 18" ; nidm_hasConnectivityCriterion: nidm_voxel18connected: .
nidm:'Connectivity Criterion' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Pixel Connectivity Criterion', nidm:'Voxel Connectivity Criterion'.
nidm:'Pixel Connectivity Criterion' is a nidm:'Connectivity Criterion'.
nidm:'Voxel Connectivity Criterion' is a nidm:'Connectivity Criterion'.
@prefix nidm_ClusterLabelsMap: <> . niiri:cluster_label_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ClusterLabelsMap: ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/ClusterLabels.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "ClusterLabels.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string .
nidm:'Coordinate' is a prov:'Entity'.
@prefix nidm_Coordinate: <> . @prefix nidm_coordinateVector: <> . niiri:coordinate_0001 a prov:Entity , prov:Location , nidm_Coordinate: ; rdfs:label "Coordinate: 0001" ; nidm_coordinateVector: "[ -60, -28, 13 ]"^^xsd:string .
nidm:'Display Mask Map' is a nidm:'Binary Map' used by nidm:'Inference'.
@prefix nidm_DisplayMaskMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . niiri:display_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_DisplayMaskMap: ; rdfs:label "Display Mask Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/DisplayMask.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nfo:fileName "DisplayMask.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_2 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string .
@prefix nidm_ExcursionSetMap: <> . @prefix nidm_hasClusterLabelsMap: <> . @prefix nidm_hasMaximumIntensityProjection: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . @prefix nidm_numberOfSignificantClusters: <> . @prefix nidm_pValue: <> . niiri:excursion_set_map_id a prov:Entity , nidm_ExcursionSetMap: ; rdfs:label "Excursion Set Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/ExcursionSet.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nfo:fileName "ExcursionSet.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; nidm_hasClusterLabelsMap: niiri:cluster_label_map_id ; nidm_hasMaximumIntensityProjection: niiri:maximum_intensity_projection_id ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_1 ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; nidm_numberOfSignificantClusters: "8"^^xsd:int ; nidm_pValue: "8.95949980872501e-14"^^xsd:float ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:inference_id .
@prefix nidm_ExtentThreshold: <> . @prefix nidm_PValueUncorrected: <> . niiri:extent_threshold_unc_id a prov:Entity, nidm_ExtentThreshold:, nidm_PValueUncorrected: ; rdfs:label "Extent Threshold: p<0.001 (uncorrected)" ; prov:value "0.001"^^xsd:float .
@prefix nidm_ExtentThreshold: <> . @prefix nidm_clusterSizeInVoxels: <> . @prefix nidm_clusterSizeInResels: <> . @prefix obo_statistic: <> . niiri:extent_threshold_stat_id a prov:Entity, nidm_ExtentThreshold:, obo_statistic: ; rdfs:label "Extent Threshold: k>=0" ; nidm_clusterSizeInVoxels: "0"^^xsd:int ; nidm_clusterSizeInResels: "0"^^xsd:float .
@prefix nidm_ExtentThreshold: <> . @prefix nidm_equivalentThreshold: <> . @prefix obo_FWERadjustedpvalue: <> . niiri:extent_threshold_fwer_id a prov:Entity, nidm_ExtentThreshold:, obo_FWERadjustedpvalue: ; rdfs:label "Extent Threshold: p<0.05 (FWER-corrected)" ; prov:value "0.05"^^xsd:float ; nidm_equivalentThreshold: niiri:extent_threshold_stat_id .
@prefix nidm_ExtentThreshold: <> . @prefix obo_qvalue: <> . niiri:extent_threshold_fdr_id a prov:Entity, nidm_ExtentThreshold:, obo_qvalue: ; rdfs:label "Extent Threshold: p<0.05 (FDR-corrected)" ; prov:value "0.05"^^xsd:float .
nidm:'Threshold' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Extent Threshold', nidm:'Height Threshold'.
@prefix nidm_HeightThreshold: <> . @prefix nidm_PValueUncorrected: <> . niiri:height_threshold_unc_id a prov:Entity, nidm_HeightThreshold:, nidm_PValueUncorrected: ; rdfs:label "Height Threshold: p<0.001 (uncorrected)" ; prov:value "0.001"^^xsd:float .
@prefix nidm_HeightThreshold: <> . @prefix nidm_equivalentThreshold: <> . @prefix obo_FWERadjustedpvalue: <> . niiri:height_threshold_fwer_id a prov:Entity, nidm_HeightThreshold:, obo_FWERadjustedpvalue: ; rdfs:label "Height Threshold: p<0.05 (FWER-corrected)" ; prov:value "0.05"^^xsd:float ; nidm_equivalentThreshold: niiri:height_threshold_stat_id .
@prefix nidm_HeightThreshold: <> . @prefix obo_qvalue: <> . niiri:height_threshold_fdr_id a prov:Entity, nidm_HeightThreshold:, obo_qvalue: ; rdfs:label "Height Threshold: p<0.05 (FDR-corrected)" ; prov:value "0.05"^^xsd:float .
@prefix nidm_HeightThreshold: <> . @prefix obo_statistic: <> . niiri:height_threshold_stat_id a prov:Entity, nidm_HeightThreshold:, obo_statistic: ; rdfs:label "Height Threshold: Z<0.0000000672357409" ; prov:value "0.0000000672357409"^^xsd:float .
nidm:'Peak' is a prov:'Entity' derived from nidm:'Significant Cluster'.
@prefix nidm_Peak: <> . @prefix nidm_pValueUncorrected: <> . @prefix nidm_equivalentZStatistic: <> . @prefix nidm_pValueFWER: <> . @prefix nidm_qValueFDR: <> . niiri:peak_0001 a prov:Entity , nidm_Peak: ; rdfs:label "Peak 0001" ; prov:atLocation niiri:coordinate_0001 ; nidm_pValueUncorrected: "4.44089209850063e-16"^^xsd:float ; nidm_equivalentZStatistic: "INF"^^xsd:float ; prov:wasDerivedFrom niiri:significant_cluster_0001 ; prov:value "13.9346199035645"^^xsd:float ; nidm_pValueFWER: "0"^^xsd:float ; nidm_qValueFDR: "6.3705194444993e-11"^^xsd:float .
nidm:'Peak Definition Criteria' is a prov:'Entity' used by nidm:'Inference'.
@prefix nidm_PeakDefinitionCriteria: <> . @prefix nidm_minDistanceBetweenPeaks: <> . @prefix nidm_maxNumberOfPeaksPerCluster: <> . niiri:peak_definition_criteria_id a prov:Entity , nidm_PeakDefinitionCriteria: ; rdfs:label "Peak Definition Criteria" ; nidm_minDistanceBetweenPeaks: "8.0"^^xsd:float ; nidm_maxNumberOfPeaksPerCluster: "3"^^xsd:int .
@prefix nidm_SearchSpaceMaskMap: <> . @prefix nidm_inCoordinateSpace: <> . @prefix nidm_expectedNumberOfVoxelsPerCluster: <> . @prefix nidm_expectedNumberOfClusters: <> . @prefix nidm_heightCriticalThresholdFWE05: <> . @prefix nidm_heightCriticalThresholdFDR05: <> . @prefix nidm_searchVolumeInVoxels: <> . @prefix nidm_searchVolumeInUnits: <> . @prefix nidm_reselSizeInVoxels: <> . @prefix nidm_searchVolumeInResels: <> . @prefix nidm_noiseFWHMInVoxels: <> . @prefix nidm_noiseFWHMInUnits: <> . @prefix nidm_randomFieldStationarity: <> . @prefix spm_smallestSignificantClusterSizeInVoxelsFWE05: <> . @prefix spm_smallestSignificantClusterSizeInVoxelsFDR05: <> . @prefix spm_searchVolumeReselsGeometry: <> . niiri:search_space_mask_id a prov:Entity , nidm_SearchSpaceMaskMap: ; rdfs:label "Search Space Mask Map" ; prov:atLocation "file:///path/to/SearchSpaceMask.nii.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; nfo:fileName "SearchSpaceMask.nii.gz"^^xsd:string ; dct:format "image/nifti"^^xsd:string ; nidm_inCoordinateSpace: niiri:coordinate_space_id_2 ; nidm_expectedNumberOfVoxelsPerCluster: "0.553331387916112"^^xsd:float ; nidm_expectedNumberOfClusters: "0.0889172687960151"^^xsd:float ; nidm_heightCriticalThresholdFWE05: "5.23529984739211"^^xsd:float ; nidm_heightCriticalThresholdFDR05: "6.22537899017334"^^xsd:float ; spm_smallestSignificantClusterSizeInVoxelsFWE05: "1"^^xsd:int ; spm_smallestSignificantClusterSizeInVoxelsFDR05: "3"^^xsd:int ; nidm_searchVolumeInVoxels: "65593"^^xsd:int ; nidm_searchVolumeInUnits: "1771011"^^xsd:float ; nidm_reselSizeInVoxels: "22.9229643140043"^^xsd:float ; nidm_searchVolumeInResels: "2552.68032521656"^^xsd:float ; spm_searchVolumeReselsGeometry: "[3, 72.3216126440484, 850.716735116472, 2552.68032521656]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_noiseFWHMInVoxels: "[ 2.95881189165801, 2.96628446669584, 2.61180425626264 ]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_noiseFWHMInUnits: "[ 8.87643567497404, 8.89885340008753, 7.83541276878791 ]"^^xsd:string ; nidm_randomFieldStationarity: "false"^^xsd:boolean ; crypto:sha512 "e43b6e01b0463fe7d40782137867a..."^^xsd:string ; prov:wasGeneratedBy niiri:inference_id .
nidm:'Significant Cluster' is a nidm:'Cluster' derived from nidm:'Excursion Set Map'.
@prefix nidm_SignificantCluster: <> . @prefix nidm_clusterSizeInVoxels: <> . @prefix nidm_clusterLabelId: <> . @prefix nidm_clusterSizeInResels: <> . @prefix nidm_pValueUncorrected: <> . @prefix nidm_pValueFWER: <> . @prefix nidm_qValueFDR: <> . niiri:significant_cluster_0001 a prov:Entity , nidm_SignificantCluster: ; rdfs:label "Significant Cluster 0001" ; nidm_clusterSizeInVoxels: "530"^^xsd:int ; nidm_clusterLabelId: "1"^^xsd:int ; nidm_clusterSizeInResels: "23.1209189500945"^^xsd:float ; nidm_pValueUncorrected: "9.56276736481136e-52"^^xsd:float ; nidm_pValueFWER: "0"^^xsd:float ; nidm_qValueFDR: "7.65021389184909e-51"^^xsd:float ; prov:wasDerivedFrom niiri:excursion_set_map_id .